Do you ever wonder why the corner of your computer is constantly flashing with “notifications”?
You have control over what will be interrupting your work. Both in Apple and non-Apple world. For purposes of this posting, I will be using non-Apple examples, but their systems work very similarly.
To start, go to the search field on your taskbar and type “Notifications”. You want to select “Notifications and Actions”. On the pop-up menu, review the settings and make sure that only have turned on stuff that you want to know about. As you scroll down you will see a list of applications typically sorted by most recent. Change the order to name and start going through the list. Most likely you will not have enough time to do them all at one time….so pick a specific letter of the alphabet to stop on a do a few every day. Pretty soon you will be through the list. When you are done, I recommend putting it back to recent order.
You have the option of on or off and if you click the right side chevron you can even be more specific. This does NOT disable the application. It only prevents it from popping up in the corner. Typically, I like email and nothing else to pop in the corner.
The 2nd pop-up source is your internet browsers. If you have more than one, start with whichever one you are using the most. You will have to do this task on each one. Each browser is different, but everyone one of them has a setting for notifications and a list of websites that have permission to disturb you. This is a common tool used by various forms of malware. The most common one is a pop-up that says it is from a popular antivirus program, and you need to click on it to respond to a problem. You are actually not opening your antivirus program on your computer but a website that looks like it, and they are getting you to give them permission to install viruses on your computer disguised as help.
If this is happening, I HIGHLY recommend you have a “geek” help walk you through how to remove the permissions, make sure they didn’t install something, and run a stinger to make sure your computer is safe. This is something I can help with and if you want, I will even walk you through the steps so you don’t have to call me each type it happens. Text, email, call or use the “contact me” on the top right of this website to request my assistance.